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  • #314592

    Sweet Baby Cyanide 

    2013 was also the year that Zoe Quinn launched Depression Quest. A game that got aggregate scores of 9.0 from gaming journalists and 0.9 from gamers. It was hardly the first one with a ratio so freaking lopsided that it would have capsized a coal barge and it sure as hell hasn’t been the last. But then Quinn’s boyfriend(?) put up a post declaring that she had screwed five reviewers to get good reviews for Depression Quest.

    In truth, I have absolutely no idea if she did the Five Guys, Reviews, and Lies thing. But it automatically fit in with a narrative about the state of gaming journalism that every gamer knew to be true.

    The SJWs looked at Zoe Quinn, purple hair, piercings all over her face (and god knows where else), a history of mental illness, and a reputation for indiscriminate sexual depravity and saw one their own. They rushed to her defense, not at all certain what they were defending. After all, they didn’t play games but they knew if journalists were being accused of lying then they undoubtedly were and they needed to be defended.

    Quinn didn’t particularly want to be a martyr to the cause but there were others that were happy to oblige. Brianna Wu, was the first in but was too given to making a spectacle of him/her/xim/xhr/themselves to be presentable on camera. It was too much work for journalists to make Wu look plausible as anything other than an insane attention addict.

    Anita Sarkeesian became the feminist flavor of the month, despite the fact she knew so little about gaming she mistook Doom for Fallout.

    The geriatric Left woke up, looked around and demanded to know who was the Hitler Nazi this time? A search was conducted to find a sympathetic authority figure in GamerGate who could declare a public surrender.

    The choice of Intel may seem a strange one but you have to remember something very important; Intel has a shit-ton of money. When you saw Jesse Jackson (who had been trying for years to get his hooks into the tech sector) on stage to collect a part of Intel’s $300 million payout you knew exactly what had happened.

    Democrat Senators had threatened to drag Intel before various committees for This and That, so the publicly traded corporation could be raked over the coals over their support of misogyny and scare the hell out of their investors. Intel caved big time and there was now blood in the water. Sharks came out of the depths.

    This was about the time that the game studios started getting snapped up by major media conglomerates. These multinationals had no real idea what to do with gaming studios, so they were put to work making sequels of the titles that had made them famous or just sent them to the corporate IP mines if there was any trouble with those rights. Glob, I feel so sorry for Raven.

    The kind of game dev who could thrive in that environment were frustrated film school grads who couldn’t get into Hollywood like Neil Cuckman. He couldn’t wait to drag Anita Sarkessian in for sensitivity reads. He was determined to make The Last of Us 2 the Last Jedi of gaming and… (long tired sigh) succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

    Multinationals, being multi-national view bribes being demanded of them as just another form of taxation which it basically is. All they want to know is “Who do I pay, to make the problem go away?”

    Anita Sarkeesian who was initially quite in demand, is sadly now in the position of being yet another trailblazer who was forced out of the industry she created by upstart competitors. Meaning, companies like Sweet Baby Inc.

    The newcomers aren’t just threatening corporations in exchange for shakedown money. Their shakedowns are offered as a product! They call it narrative development editing, which makes it at least sound like they are doing something besides saying, “Nice game you got there, be a shame if something happens to it.” Paying them to do sensitivity reviews to discover anything that could be problematic is just another form of insurance to these studios’ corporate overlords.

    Your multimillion-dollar gaming product will be shipped with some seal of approval by one of these companies that declares that this game has supported Trans people, fought the patriarchy, beaten attractive female characters with a mid-stick, and will in no way offend the eternally offended.

    You know what these games won’t have?



    Review embargo has lifted, and they’re all over the place.  Multiple people are comparing it to The Last Jedi (uh oh), while others have even invoked Gremlins 2.  The discussion over this film is going to be something special.


    My review is the first half was a bit more exciting than the last half of this 2021 James Bond film, No Time To Die. This film appears to have less action than all of the recent Bond films made since at least the 1990s if not the least amount of action of all the Bond films ever. Spoiler alert, 007 dies or whatever. I have to say “dies or whatever” because you never know as seen with Star Wars characters like Darth Maul and Palpatine. Like, your hate might keep you alive. They did say Anakin survived the lava due to his hate. So, Darth Vader ended up dying when his hate turned to love in Return of the Jedi.

    Speaking of hate, I think I hate this movie. It looks like the black chick is going to be the next star. Perhaps, she won’t be named Janet Bond. Perhaps, they won’t try to make a black female version of Bond. But it does look like they want to have future films revolve around her which I don’t mind in some ways. But what would you call a Bond movie absent of Bond? A spin-off starring her might work.

    This movie had a slow tempo and I would rather watch Austin Powers.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

      I thought that The Last Jedi, would be about Old man Luke Skywalker and his daughter Rey being hunted down by Kylo and the Knights of Ren.

      So did I 😭

      Took a look at your Star Wars manga, great art 👍

      I was wondering one thing though, when I go in the site or app each chapter’s only one page, is it meant to be like that, or is that just a preview?


      Angry Joe just put up his review of The Last Jedi of Us 2, and to say the least, it ain’t pretty.



      Star Wars: Originally, it was just “Star Wars.”  Saw it in 1978 as a kid. Loved it. Got the action figures.

      Star Wars: The Holiday Special.  Saw part of it on television when it aired. I remember it vividly because I was deathly ill. Merchandise around

      that time I got was the Wookiee Storybook and Cookbook. It might have been around this time I listened to the Radio Drama. Incredible. Star Wars

      was becoming a phenomena.

      Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Wow. It was as if the whole world changed. This was the beginning of something. Before this, there is no way

      that ‘fans’ were as happy as after watching The Empire Strikes Back. Possibly not since. Blade Runner, Indiana Jones were next to be unleashed…

      Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Originally, “Revenge of the Jedi.”  By this time we were buying everything that said Star Wars on it. Presto-magix.

      Shrinky-Dinks. Soap. Puffy Stickers. Anything. But the quality was starting to go down. The comics kind of looked like shit. We were not expecting

      Ewoks. The Ewoks did become a bit of a letdown, but the ending with the Emperor meant so much that we let it go. The Marvel Star Wars comics series ends.

      Star Wars: The Television Years.  Those of us who watched these probably wondered in astonishment, as we were watching something quite terrible.

      It had potential, promises, and even with the characters and ideas they had, could have been good, but was just plain awful. An awful so mixed with

      ‘boring’ and ‘un-inspiring’ and uselessness that the Star Wars Droids and Ewoks figures all ended up at the ‘dollar stores’ of our time, like Big-Lots and

      TG&Y. Bargain bins overflowed with Ewoks and Droids merchandise… failure. The live-action TV movies were such let-downs that most people just

      pretended they never saw them–they didn’t exist.

      Star Wars: The Dark Horse Years.  Unfortunately during this time, I was pre-occupied with other things. Things like ROBOTECH. Japanese

      animation. Music. I purchased some the of audiobooks of some novels, and dramatizations on cassette tape, like Dark Empire which I thought was

      okay, but not quite the level of entertainment or inspiration as the originals. At this time I assumed that Star Wars was dead. However, GEORGE LUCAS

      did an interview on the radio where he explained that there were a total of 9 movies planned, and the next three would be Episodes 1, 2, and 3.

      We assumed that Star Wars would never return… until…

      Star Wars: The Prequel Era.  I ran out and purchased the soundtrack before the movie was released several days later. I got home played the music, and

      dreamed of a return to the inspiration of the originals… the clone wars would be explained, the story of Anakin Skywalker and Obiwan would be told,

      and more insight into the Jedi … what did we get?

      Star Wars: The Dream. Before watching Episode I, I had a dream that I saw it. The dream was me sitting in a movie theater. The opening scene was

      of a young 20-something Anakin in the desert of Tatooine, and up drives a car with a giant Green Goblin Head on the front of it. Driving the car was

      “Bob Fett” and he tried to sell drugs to Anakin. The car speeds off and some sort of punk-rock song begins with the title Phantom Menace appearing

      dripping in blood… George Lucas punked us all! Then I woke up. Unfortunately this absurd ‘meta’ movie I saw in a dream was far ahead of its time…

      at the time I thought it was cool. After the LAST JEDI, I see that it would have been a horrible choice. However…

      Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.  Terrible. But, sorry, I had to watch it several times to realize just how bad it was. I came to this conclusion before

      Attack of the Clones came out, but I believed that it would at least be better.

      Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. When I walked out of the theater I think I was more astonished than I was for Phantom Menace. It was just silly. It

      was shit. Pieces were there for it to be good, but it was still shit. I was actually thinking, I don’t think I’m going to bother with EPISODE III. What

      a terrible thing that Star Wars was now shit.

      Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The lead up to Revenge of the Sith was 9-11. I reluctantly went, more or less hoping at least I would know and be able

      to describe how bad it was to people, and I did not enjoy myself.

      Star Wars: The Red Letter Media Years.  I was totally on board the RLM Plinkett films when they began to appear. I had worked on a George Lucas

      parody short film myself. People were still miffed about how terrible it was. In the end the Prequels’ value comes down to memes and parodies, and

      the love of them seems to come down to the same kind of love for the Toxic Avenger movie series.


      Then one day…


      George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney. Immediately, I said to myself. Oh my God, they’ll trash it. It will be shit beyond belief. It will be hacked to death

      and reconstructed to sell some sort of weird corporate ideology.

      Star Wars: The Disney Years.  I  still haven’t watched Rogue One.  I bought Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Dollar General. I watched it. Two

      weeks before the release of THE LAST JEDI.  I knew Luke showed up at the end, and didn’t really want to wait years to find out what he does. You

      know what I did two weeks later? I skipped it. I read some reviews and I knew this was the death of Star Wars. Before Jeremy did. The funny thing is,

      when nothing I did on the internet criticizing George Lucas and the  ruin of franchises got any traction, and then THE FANDOM MENACE was born.

      I watch a few minutes of THE LAST JEDI eventually, but it was nauseating. Never watched SOLO. Haven’t seen THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. It was over

      with for me years ago.


      I don’t think people should discard it all. In fact I just bought the Phantom Menace on DVD for $2 at a thrift store. For the memes.

      Star Wars isn’t really dead, at least the originals. It really isn’t. And this is coming from a Red Letter Media fan who produced Star Wars memes

      for years before the asshole even sold it to Disney. I still say, keep the faith, baby. Keep the faith.



      Star Wars: Originally, it was just “Star Wars.”  Saw it in 1978 as a kid. Loved it. Got the action figures.

      Star Wars: The Holiday Special.  Saw part of it on television when it aired. I remember it vividly because I was deathly ill. Merchandise around

      that time I got was the Wookiee Storybook and Cookbook. It might have been around this time I listened to the Radio Drama. Incredible. Star Wars

      was becoming a phenomena.

      Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Wow. It was as if the whole world changed. This was the beginning of something. Before this, there is no way

      that ‘fans’ were as happy as after watching The Empire Strikes Back. Possibly not since. Blade Runner, Indiana Jones were next to be unleashed…

      Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Originally, “Revenge of the Jedi.”  By this time we were buying everything that said Star Wars on it. Presto-magix.

      Shrinky-Dinks. Soap. Puffy Stickers. Anything. But the quality was starting to go down. The comics kind of looked like shit. We were not expecting

      Ewoks. The Ewoks did become a bit of a letdown, but the ending with the Emperor meant so much that we let it go. The Marvel Star Wars comics series ends.

      Star Wars: The Television Years.  Those of us who watched these probably wondered in astonishment, as we were watching something quite terrible.

      It had potential, promises, and even with the characters and ideas they had, could have been good, but was just plain awful. An awful so mixed with

      ‘boring’ and ‘un-inspiring’ and uselessness that the Star Wars Droids and Ewoks figures all ended up at the ‘dollar stores’ of our time, like Big-Lots and

      TG&Y. Bargain bins overflowed with Ewoks and Droids merchandise… failure. The live-action TV movies were such let-downs that most people just

      pretended they never saw them–they didn’t exist.

      Star Wars: The Dark Horse Years.  Unfortunately during this time, I was pre-occupied with other things. Things like ROBOTECH. Japanese

      animation. Music. I purchased some the of audiobooks of some novels, and dramatizations on cassette tape, like Dark Empire which I thought was

      okay, but not quite the level of entertainment or inspiration as the originals. At this time I assumed that Star Wars was dead. However, GEORGE LUCAS

      did an interview on the radio where he explained that there were a total of 9 movies planned, and the next three would be Episodes 1, 2, and 3.

      We assumed that Star Wars would never return… until…

      Star Wars: The Prequel Era.  I ran out and purchased the soundtrack before the movie was released several days later. I got home played the music, and

      dreamed of a return to the inspiration of the originals… the clone wars would be explained, the story of Anakin Skywalker and Obiwan would be told,

      and more insight into the Jedi … what did we get?

      Star Wars: The Dream. Before watching Episode I, I had a dream that I saw it. The dream was me sitting in a movie theater. The opening scene was

      of a young 20-something Anakin in the desert of Tatooine, and up drives a car with a giant Green Goblin Head on the front of it. Driving the car was

      “Bob Fett” and he tried to sell drugs to Anakin. The car speeds off and some sort of punk-rock song begins with the title Phantom Menace appearing

      dripping in blood… George Lucas punked us all! Then I woke up. Unfortunately this absurd ‘meta’ movie I saw in a dream was far ahead of its time…

      at the time I thought it was cool. After the LAST JEDI, I see that it would have been a horrible choice. However…

      Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.  Terrible. But, sorry, I had to watch it several times to realize just how bad it was. I came to this conclusion before

      Attack of the Clones came out, but I believed that it would at least be better.

      Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. When I walked out of the theater I think I was more astonished than I was for Phantom Menace. It was just silly. It

      was shit. Pieces were there for it to be good, but it was still shit. I was actually thinking, I don’t think I’m going to bother with EPISODE III. What

      a terrible thing that Star Wars was now shit.

      Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The lead up to Revenge of the Sith was 9-11. I reluctantly went, more or less hoping at least I would know and be able

      to describe how bad it was to people, and I did not enjoy myself.

      Star Wars: The Red Letter Media Years.  I was totally on board the RLM Plinkett films when they began to appear. I had worked on a George Lucas

      parody short film myself. People were still miffed about how terrible it was. In the end the Prequels’ value comes down to memes and parodies, and

      the love of them seems to come down to the same kind of love for the Toxic Avenger movie series.


      Then one day…


      George Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney. Immediately, I said to myself. Oh my God, they’ll trash it. It will be shit beyond belief. It will be hacked to death

      and reconstructed to sell some sort of weird corporate ideology.

      Star Wars: The Disney Years.  I  still haven’t watched Rogue One.  I bought Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Dollar General. I watched it. Two

      weeks before the release of THE LAST JEDI.  I knew Luke showed up at the end, and didn’t really want to wait years to find out what he does. You

      know what I did two weeks later? I skipped it. I read some reviews and I knew this was the death of Star Wars. Before Jeremy did. The funny thing is,

      when nothing I did on the internet criticizing George Lucas and the  ruin of franchises got any traction, and then THE FANDOM MENACE was born.

      I watch a few minutes of THE LAST JEDI eventually, but it was nauseating. Never watched SOLO. Haven’t seen THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. It was over

      with for me years ago.


      I don’t think people should discard it all. In fact I just bought the Phantom Menace on DVD for $2 at a thrift store. For the memes.

      Star Wars isn’t really dead, at least the originals. It really isn’t. And this is coming from a Red Letter Media fan who produced Star Wars memes

      for years before the asshole even sold it to Disney. I still say, keep the faith, baby. Keep the faith.


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Sternwise.

      In reply to: Naughty Dog

      I just tried to review bomb The Last of Us Part 2 on Metacritic with a 10/10 BUT I wrote a sarcastic review to try and trick them.  Here’s what I wrote:

      “The Last of Us Part 2 is such a masterpiece that doesn’t spit all over it’s predecessor in the slightest. After seven years of waiting fans are certainly happy to love all the Ellie/Joel interactions in the form of flashbacks as opposed to playing through those gut wrenching moments as the story goes on. And then there’s Abby, the games second playable character. I’m fascinated by Naughty Dog’s Last Jedi approach of “letting the past die, kill it if you have too” the moment we see Abby beat Joel to death with a golf club two hours into the game. Happy Father’s Day everyone! As the game progresses between present day or flashback like an episode from seasons 1-5 of Arrow we play as Ellie getting sweet revenge on Joel’s murderers John Wick style. And she killed them all, no way any of them got away scot free with fulfilment. But in the end, Ellie learns the harsh reality that when you get revenge, always dig one grave for yourself. I hope this has been enlightening, have a good day.”

      With Metacritic outright blocking negative reviews my theory was that they were only approving overwhelmingly positive reviews and having moderators check the negative ones based on score alone.  Unfortunately it didn’t work as I tried twice and kept getting an error.  Turns out Metacritic has a at least one brain cell after all.  Oh well, I suppose trusting certain YouTubers and boycotting Naughty Dog are all the weapons we have left.

      Update:  Disregard that previous paragraph except for my theory.  It looks like it’s possible my review went through.  Please, someone go to Metacritic and look up the review under the user name ODoyleRulez.  It’s possible my theory could transition into a hypothesis.  If we positive review bomb the game BUT write negative things, then will the review still go through.  In a few days time I’ll create a second account and leave a “positive” review without sarcasm.  My goal is to try and inverse the system.  Make Metacritic doubt every 10/10 score as sarcastic or hurtful.  Unless of course they’ve stopped blocking and deleting accounts.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by scamman93. Reason: New information, requires confirmation
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