How many Geeks and Gamers members/supporters love the 1996 classic, Twister?
I put up this video on my second channel, DDayJedi (head over there and subscribe) as my way to respond to people in the Fandom Menace (Ryan Kinel) who viciously hate Dave Filoni and try to “cancel” him and dig up something that he said at a flipping women’s conference in 2016 just for pandering, …
This is egregious. I have never ever seen a company abuse the copyright system to this degree on my channel. And all of these are manually claimed by some lowlife that is just pissed that I called them out a few days prior on Twitter.
Just uploaded a random clip from Diary of a Wimpy Kid of when Greg got Rodrick grounded for having an “offensive” magazine.
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Sorry I’ve been mostly inactive on here. I’m mainly on other platforms – YouTube being the biggest one. And I’m also mainly on my phone.
Hello there.