Tag: moon kight

REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 6 “Gods and Monsters”

The finale of Moon Knight, “Gods and Monsters,” released its final whimper, sloughing onto Disney+ and wrapping up this miniseries in the most underwhelming manner imaginable. This sporadic and inconsistent show limped across the finish line while forgetting to wrap up half of the story threads ...

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REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 5 “The Asylum”

The penultimate episode of Moon Knight, “The Asylum,” was released onto Disney+ today, marking the beginning of the end of this controversial show. Following the underwhelming prior episodes, the series needed a metaphorical boost or a draw to entice waning viewers to re-engage with the show and...

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REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 4 “The Tomb”

Moon Knight “The Tomb” was released today onto Disney+ and, as the beginning of the second half of the series, “The Tomb” should be revealing much that has remained hidden from the audience throughout the series, setting up the final conflict. That is not the case with this episode; no quest...

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REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 3 “The Friendly Type”

The fall, the crash, the customary Disney+ abolition of quality have begun in Moon Knight episode 3, “The Friendly Type.” All stakes and consequences are thrust to the wayside in favor of debasing Marc Spector and Khonshu to show the superiority of other characters. This episode is by far the wo...

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REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 2 “Summon the Suit”

Fans’ trepidation and hope birthed by the surprising quality of Moon Knight episode 1 have not been assuaged nor contradicted in the second episode of the series, which aired today. Episode 2 continues the feel, style, and aesthetic of episode 1, while only marginally continuing the plot. Some fan...

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REVIEW: Moon Knight – Season 1, Episode 1 “The Goldfish Problem”

Disney+’s Moon Knight was released today to mostly positive reviews. This episode was driven primarily by an intriguing concept that breaks from the Marvel formula, at least for now. With the rampantly mediocre to downright abysmal content that Marvel has peddled in recent years, fans were ini...

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