After escaping Kamino with the enigmatic female clone Omega, the Batch are back for round 2. The Bad Batch had an excellent series premiere, tying into several different periods of Star Wars history and focusing on the plight of the clones following order 66. Can this series keep that momentum up an...
Read MoreIt’s Star Wars Day, which means it’s time for the latest Star Wars animated series to kick off. The Bad Batch was introduced in a 4-episode story arc in season 7 of The Clone Wars. Clone Force 99 consists of four mutated clones with special abilities along with Echo, who joined them in t...
Read MoreToday, Disney and LucasFilm revealed the full trailer for The Bad Batch. Dave Filoni’s Clone Wars spin-off follows Clone Force 99 following the end of the war. The Bad Batch were first introduced in their titular episode of The Clone Wars, season 7, episode 1. The trailer shows Grand Moff Tark...
Read MoreThursday was the Walt Disney Company’s Investor Day, which means they made a lot of announcements. Taking a look at the Star Wars properties coming soon to the Disney+ galaxy, we have official confirmation that Hayden Christensen will reprise his role of Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker in the Obi-Wan...
Read MoreDeadline reports that Disney+ has plans for a series called Star Wars: The Bad Batch, focusing on the titular group of unconventional, mutated clones introduced in The Clone Wars’ final season. Little else is known at this time, although Dave Filoni and several of his collaborators from Clone Wars...
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