Resident Evil film reboot is woke trash


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    Why won’t someone think of the white people?!


    Sometimes doing what’s right and being fair doesn’t always go hand in hand, nor should it.

    except raceswapping ISN’T RIGHT you fucking retarded brainlet. It’s a low effort, patronizing form of activism that insults those you claim it benefits.


      Sometimes doing what’s right and being fair doesn’t always go hand in hand, nor should it.

      Now that’s a contradictory statement if i ever heard one



      Now that’s a contradictory statement if i ever heard one

      what else do you expect from an SJW like him. His ilk aren’t exactly world renowned for being logically consistent


      It’s not contradictory if you have a grasp on the situation at hand.




      Bullshit, everything you bleeding hearts say is a fucking contradiction


      “everything you bleeding hearts say is a fucking contradiction”



      I wondered whether to keep quiet because it’s not really the Resident Evil film that interests me, but no-one is going to see eye-to-eye on this subject unless the fundamental disagreement is broached upon, namely the subject of ethnicity.

      It’s quite true that comic book heroes and the like don’t have a reason not to be another race, but the reason they have been white for decades is because they are a product of American culture – Which is a white-majority country. American culture is of much white culture as Europe is, so it only makes sense that a majority of characters in an American setting would be of European descent, mainly English. It’s just an unconscious choice you wouldn’t give much thought to, regardless of your own country of origin. Would you write an African setting with a majority Asian cast? Not unless you’re some kind of schizophrenic cultural colonizer.

      Which I’m pretty sure is what some of these Left-wing writers are. Many of them engage in the most incoherent political babble I’ve ever witnessed, denouncing race as just a social construct where whites are represented, but race is suddenly important when talking about other races, especially blacks. They’re either completely insane or are deliberately gaslighting. My guess is on the latter, and I think it is part of a concerted effort to get white people to not view themselves racially, while at the same time getting everyone else to define themselves as a racial group “(People of Colour” is a catch-all term I see them use often, almost as to insinuate all non-whites have something in common when they don’t). It is a deliberate effort to create fractures in society and exploit racial division.

      Comic books and video games are unimportant in the long-scheme of things – But they are part of the larger culture war. I would think it’s part of the Left’s strategy of demoralization: Claim that race is unimportant, take away a beloved icon, provoking the Right into offense and so they end up looking like bigots while in the same breath claiming race now is important. It’s an effective way to de-legitimize counter-arguments and get people to follow your lead.

      Diversity in of itself might seem innocuous. But I do wonder… how exactly is diversity a strength, anyway? Human beings are very tribal creatures and have an innate in-group preference. It is quite natural for us to surround ourselves with those who look like ourselves.


      ffs, what a shit-fest. lol I don’t like to insult people, specially here in such a great community. but ffs, jesus take the wheel. the sjw level in this topic is just too damn high. i mean twitter pronouns cult level. lmao :SSSS but anyway… i hope is just a phase…


      There’s nothing about either Xavier or even Magneto that requires them to be white

      why the need to race-swap everyone? why the next Xavier must be black? Why the next Magneto must be black? There are pleeeeeenty of black characters to make new movies about, to create new content, comics, series… and if these hollyweird people don’t want to use them, then just create new ones… the thing is, these weirdos dont have creativity, they’re weak…. when they create something, is ridiculous like the new marvel characters Dead on Arrival  “safespace” and “snowflake” lmao. but geez, cmon…

      Magneto black? Did you know any black people from a German Jewish family back in 1920 with the last name Eisenhardt? Send us a message if you know, I’m serious, maybe I’m being ignorant.




      Diversity in of itself might seem innocuous. But I do wonder… how exactly is diversity a strength, anyway?

      its neither a strength nor weakness by itself, it’s purely contextual. These libtards however say that cringe “diversity is strength” platitude because that’s their cult’s catchphrase. They never explain how it’s a “strength”, they just think that sentence sounds good so they’ve made it their slogan


      And here we have another example for diversity obsessed retards:

      now, within the game canon, apparently the character Rebecca has been changed from being white to being Asian. And of course out come the brainlets with their typical excuse of  “muh her race was never important to the plot”. That’s disingenuous as fuck, her race IS important to the plot because of a little thing called fucking CONTINUITY!

      Rebecca was white in RE1, white in RE Zero, white in the Umbrella Chronicles, and white in RE Vendetta from 4 fucking years ago.


      justify this nonsense Shifty, we’re all dying to see you use your side’s tired excuse about “muh it doesn’t matter to the plot tho”


        This is absolutely ridiculous

        I’ll repeat myself till the ends of the galaxy, i don’t care what someone looks like, who someone sleeps with, what they belive, i don’t care if the race or sexuality of the actor doesn’t perfectly match that of the character they’re playing, so long as the person hired is the best person for the job

        These people go on to talk about how inclusive and not racist they are, when in reality all this inclusion policy is is offensive to the groups they’re supposidly making this for, they’re basicly telling minorities they don’t have enough talent and skill to earn these jobs without an inclusion policy, that’s disgusting


        See when these cunted commies say “muh inclusion” what they actually mean to say is “whites need not apply”


          I find the entire premise of “in the past, we made a terrible mistake by making choices based on race. So to solve that we will now make choices based on race” absolutely insane. Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea is either fooled or intentionally disingenuous.

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Vknid.

          Damn right

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