Subbed or Dubbed?

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    It depends which version has the better voice actors for me. I watch as much english dub as I do sub, and usually check for an english dub first to see how it is before I commit to watching it the whole way.


    I’m new to anime, been watching Attack on Titan w/ Dubbed. I watched a few of my fav episodes w/ Subbed but I miss stuff when I’m reading the subtitle and sometimes I can’t read it fast enough so I have to rewind and pause. It’s just to much of a hassle. Mainly it’s because I feel that I’m missing the amazing animation while I’m reading.


    I’m new to anime, been watching Attack on Titan w/ Dubbed. I watched a few of my fav episodes w/ Subbed but I miss stuff when I’m reading the subtitle and sometimes I can’t read it fast enough so I have to rewind and pause. It’s just to much of a hassle. Mainly it’s because I feel that I’m missing the amazing animation while I’m reading.


    Subtitle reading is a skill like any other. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Granted, I’ve been doing it for over 30 years, so there’s that. But there are watching skills to make it easier. If you sit a little bit back from the screen, it helps train your eyes to see both the words and what’s going on with the animation at the same time. Eventually, with enough time, you’ll be able to absorb it all without realizing it.

    The biggest problems with dubs today is that Funimation is super woke and is changing dialogue on a regular basis altering the anime to trickle in woke agenda. Therefore, present day dubs, anything in the past couple of years, really cannot be fully trusted.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Roas.

    both-mostly dub.


    I still watch some anime dubbed, but now I mostly watch subs because of Funimation botching the dub and the translation. Crunchyroll has problems. Sentai Filmworks botched one dub in To Love Ru which is why I bought the manga and not the DVDs. So I mostly watch anime in subs now. Classics, dubs. But may find the time to watch it in subs.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by AustinZero.

    Sentai Filmworks botched one dub in To Love Ru which is why I bought the manga and not the DVDs

    To Love Ru…IMHO the King of all harem anime. In all my experience nothing tops it in terms comedy and just plain fun, and yes, it must be watched in Japanese with subs to fully experience it. Such a shame, though, that the anime stopped short before the manga finished, but it was worth it to read the manga to finish the story.


    Subbed only.

    Dubs, imo, are mostly garbage. The voice actors all sound the same, they are so overly dramatic it makes my ears bleed listening to them, and most of them are terrible people. I live in Dallas and had a friend who worked for Funimation for years. When I say they are terrible people, I really mean it. Also, I go to cons here all the time and have asked multiple dub actors if they ever watch the Japanese episodes to get an idea what the seiyuu and studio was going for in regards to the character. Everyone of them said no. I get wanting to put your own spin on things, but many times the way the American dub actors voice the role completely changes the characters’ personalities.

    Japanese voice actors take their roles pretty seriously and many of them are like idols over there. Heck, some mangaka even create characters with the intention of certain seiyuu voicing them. Also, Japanese studios have to approve the subtitles so they are more likely to be accurate. Dubs, especially Funimation’s, take extreme liberties with the dialogue to inject their own bs into the characters’ mouths.


    It was mostly subbed with some dubs since some of them are pretty good (i.e. Ghost in the Shell, Black Lagoon). Now it’s only subs because dubs have gotten worse with localizers not respecting the original translation and even going as far as inserting identity politics into the dialogue. And of course, the voice acting is even worse but that’s to be expected when the “talents” behind them are absolute scum in real life.


    Most of us started Dub for obvious reasons then over the years went Sub. The sad reality is there was a time where the Dub could be good..but BS Social Justice is ruining that quickly. Cannot remember the anime but dubbed saying Bitches, Bros and Nonbinary Hoes was the most cringe I ever felt in recent memory and I remember Ghost Stories….


    I started with subs because I got into anime back around 2006 and most of the titles I watched were not released over here. So, I had to rely on fan subs. My exposure to dubs came when Funimation used to do this thing here in Dallas where one night a week they would show their anime at one of the Studio Movie Grills. I went to that because my hubby was tired of me dragging him to cons and told me to go “make some anime friends.” I think the worst was the “Black Butler” dub. OMG was it terribad.

    The original Helsing dub wasn’t awful, and the Summer Wars dub(which they also sponsored here at the Angelika) was ok. Other than that, I can’t think of any dub I have ever heard that didn’t make me cringe in pain.



      Honestly, I don’t even care. I will watch a sub if I have to. But I prefer dub for the simple fact that I don’t have to pay as close attention or rewind if I cant read text fast enough.
      What really sucks is if neither option is available…
      Or in the rare instance where a dub is started but dropped half way through. Like in GaoGaiGar. It affects the immersion.


      Why FUNimation is garbage and shouldn’t be supported.

      Remember when FUNimation acquired the rights to One Piece from 4Kids and some fans celebrated? In the mid-late 2000s they started gaining a somewhat good rep because back then they demonstrated a willingness to listen to fans.

      The only dub of theirs I watch now is Attack on Titan, and even then that’s only because I think it just “makes sense” that characters of European ethnicity would be speaking English instead of Japanese (though if you really want to get into the nitty gritty most of the cast would actually be German). I don’t find it too bad; I’d rate it the same as their dub for FMA: Brotherhood, overall. Only now and then they might work in a line that uses modern Internet lingo. Can’t quite remember when, but there was at least one moment when one of the characters legitimately and unironically says “snowflake” at some point.

      There were no political connotations attached thankfully but Christ that was still painful to hear. We have no idea whether that word will fall out of fashion and it just doesn’t fit with SnK’s rather grim-dark fantasy world. It deserves better than that kind of amateur treatment.


      FUNimation is full of woke people making the translations. Pure sjws. they even grab about it on twitter everytime they change something just to sound more PC and woke. It’s a disgrace nowadays entertainment industries being hijacked by these weirdos.

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