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Connor McGee
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Elder Scrolls Release
4 years ago 17 Comments

There is some quite unfortunate news for fans of the Elder Scrolls series. Yesterday, Pete Hines, the Vice-President of public relations and marketing at Bethesda, responded to a tweet regarding more information on The Elder Scrolls VI. His tweet stated, “It’s after Starfield, which you pretty much know nothing about. So if you’re coming at me for …

Amnesia: Rebirth
4 years ago no Comment

After almost five years since their last release, Frictional Games have finally announced their new game, Amnesia: Rebirth. With this surprise announcement also comes a trailer. The trailer starts by panning from what seems to be a train car that has crashed, with multiple flashes of gameplay elements that include small snippets of new areas and …

Frictional Games
4 years ago no Comment

After a long period of radio silence with fans, game developer Frictional Games has finally teased their next project while also updating their website to look modern and more inviting. However, things get interesting when you hover over their “Games” tab and click on “Next Frictional Game.” The screen displays a pulsing white icon that …

Halo: Reach
5 years ago no Comment

After months of speculation and waiting, Halo: Reach is about to make its debut on PC as part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and less than two weeks away. Microsoft has finally revealed the release date of Halo: Reach during their X019 stream; the beloved entry in the popular video game series is now …

Half-Life: Alyx
5 years ago no Comment

Video game developer Valve has just confirmed Half-Life: Alyx on their Twitter page. Half-Life: Alyx will be the company’s flagship VR game. While this news comes as a surprise to some, the game was teased back in July by Valve co-founder Gabe Newell. The last time Valve released a Half-Life game was Half-Life 2: Episode 2 …

Kerbal Space Program 2
5 years ago 1 Comment

It looks like Kerbal Space Program 2 won’t be ready to launch on its original release date of Spring 2020 and is being delayed a year until Spring 2021. During Take-Two Interactive’s Quarter 2 2020 earnings conference call on November 7th, they announced that “Kerbal Space Program 2, the sequel to the beloved original space …

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Review
5 years ago 1 Comment

I have been a fan of Call of Duty my whole life, but I sadly stopped purchasing the games in the past couple of years because I wasn’t a fan of buying yearly installments. Now, after four years of not playing Call of Duty, I have sunk multiple hours into Infinity Ward’s newest addition to …

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
5 years ago no Comment

This year’s installment of Call of Duty is a new and interesting change to the standard Call Of Duty formula the previous games have used. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare changes up the structure that the other games built off, making this one feel different in both a refreshing but frustrating way. Multiplayer is jam-packed …

DOOM 64 trailer
5 years ago no Comment

The annihilation of demons is coming back in full force next year with DOOM Eternal, but now with a surprising twist. Bethesda Softworks released a trailer showing off another project of theirs called DOOM 64. Many fans of the series will be familiar with that title because the original game was released almost 22 years …

Outer Worlds launch trailer
5 years ago no Comment

The Outer Worlds‘ final trailer has officially launched, and it is mind-blowing! The trailer begins with brilliant cuts of the player and the different worlds to which you can travel. We then get a voiceover of a lady we don’t know yet who says, “Some people want you to be a savior, a shining beacon …

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