Search Results for 'cyberpunk'

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  • #318913

    Thanks! The last video was a teaser trailer. This one is a game trailer featuring game play. The game has both cyberpunk and classical music playlists. I’m showing the classical music in this video because if I play the cyberpunk music I have to buy another license for this video besides the license for the game. So if you want to hear the different cyberpunk tracks you’ll just have to buy the game. I know, I’m evil.

    Any suggestions on the lighting? Too dark or just right? I’m in the process of coding a feature to let the player adjust the lighting. And yea, epilepsy warning! As with most games.

    I usually have a handful of main go-tos that I play most. I used to play all of the Blizzard titles – Starcraft, Diabolo, Warcraft (Wow, 3, and original Dota), Hearthstone, etc, but ever since I built my current computer, I have refused to install or anything for them. Now, I currently jump between the below:

    1. PoE (Path of Exile) – I suck at it, but is a really great title that is a true successor to Diablo. They have been running for over a decade and continue to be for the players, and with PoE 2 on the horizon, will continue to beat out Diablo.

    2. Cyberpunk 2077 – This is new for me, as I did enjoy Borderlands 1 and 2, and this has been a real joy for me to play. I never had the issues that others had since launch, and I find the story, especially the side quests, and the music to be huge draws, especially with Phantom Liberty.

    3. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (Open RCT2) – This was my first game, outside of my Super Nintendo, that really got me into games – fun and educational, realistic and various real-world comparisons and knowledge.

    4. Jurassic World Evolution and Lego Jurassic World – My main draws are anything in the Jurassic Park world, so these are a really common go-to for me. I love Lego Jurassic World as I can play through all of the movies. Jurassic World Evolution 1 and 2 fit with what I really wanted from a previous title Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis.


      The Woke Cancer is in ALL of entertainment now.  So, it’s not just things in gaming you need to be conscience of.

      Don’t go to Disneyland/Disneyworld or go to see Disney movies. Don’t have Disney +.

      Be conscious of developers or producers that have DEI and companies like SweetBaby on board. In fact, just stop pre-ordering games period. Too many developers are lazy with game production now. They release an often unfinished game and keep patching it post-release. Cyberpunk & Starfield are just two mentions in that. Back in the day, that would have been unacceptable.

      But, in the end, do what you want, play what you want. Get some enjoyment in life, because that’s a harder and harder thing to find now days.

      I’m trying to make my own games, specifically focusing on gameplay over graphics. I want to take the scope of the biggest classic custom-world RPGs, condense that into a text-based, mouse-driven interface, and use that as a baseline for new mechanics. In a way, I’m attempting to return to the fun I experienced before 3D, and see what might have developed had the AAA studios not neglected the path of gameplay to put their resources into the path of graphics.

      Granted, I’m ditching even 2D pixel graphics so that I can focus as much as possible on gameplay, but the gimmick is that you’re connecting to a remote drone or golem in another universe, so naturally the System interface is more like a utility. :)

      A game would play as if you’re a lone hero in a unique world with 4X operations run by the NPCs. The basic loop is still kill monsters, get resources, level up, craft/sell, and repeat, but as you’re doing that, the world is slowly changing. If you pass by miners gathering ore, that ore will be used by their faction to build units, do research, and upgrade buildings. If you kill a monster attacking the miners, or ignore it, each decision can have ripple effects. :)

      That’s the basic engine, but I want to leverage it to do multiple game releases in the main story styles:

      – Sword and sorcery
      – Sci-fi/cyberpunk
      – Post-apocalyptic
      – Xianxia (possibly)

      As to the woke question, I really want these games to be a fun escape, not a conditioning tool to push political narratives.

      Anyhow, I’ve been at it a year and half or so, and I’m having more fun doing this than I ever had playing games (even the old ones). We’ll see how it goes. :)


      Cyberpunk Ghost Story for the PlayStation 4 is a fascinating blend of cybernetic dystopia and supernatural mystery that provides a unique and unsettling gaming experience. Dive into its captivating universe right now.





      lol hold on guys, you know I tackle everything I come across & discuss things with a balanced view.
      YES the NPC characters have been struck with the Fugleration & are hilariously horrifying at times. But the game is still based on the so far almost 10hrs I have played, a decent game. Am I disappointed in some things? YES. But even though so far outside the apparent Woke visual representation, I haven’t encountered any of the typical cringe Millennial dialogue & behavior we see in so many games today like Forespoken, Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Atomic Heart…etc. So far all my encounters have been good. The leader of the faction you first join is a Woman named Sarah & she is not “I’m a whamans first & foremost” non of the other characters are victims of some sort of perceived system based on their “X”
      If you have Gamepass, I recommend playing it for a few hours. Never let others completely dictate how you enjoy your games & what is worth your time.
      If & when I come across the bullshivism of the Woke mind virus I will address it. So far so good.
      But all that being said, there is A LOT to improve on & the Mod community will save us in the end lol. I just uploaded my first impression video, check out the new post & check out the video :)
      Thanks for reading.


        I am looking forward to this.  I won’t pre-purchase it but might get it the day it releases.  I know Cyberpunk was not what it was promised to be.  But post fixes and adds I enjoyed it.  Looked cool, the world was interesting and I love the story.  I am a succor for a decent or good story.

        September 26th



          Anyone else looking forward to this?  I know I am.


            They used the same imagery/graphics they used last year. The same utterly annoying “woomp….shoom” sound for every….single….intro to a video. I absolutely am SICK of that sound being used for EVERYTHING now. All the music is the same too. Bang clash….woomp, clock ticking or sutle clipping sound, etc. It’s literally driving me mad having to hear it in everything now days. I am SOOOOO tired of it. Give us back the old trailers with actual music and the guy saying “Coming Soon to the Theatre near you….etc etc” I hate modern trailers.

            The first few games were female leads. And then the announcer came on and it was a female. Clearly that was done on purpose.

            And what…in…the…hell was that…thing for the character you are to play as in Fable? Was it a guy in woman’s clothes? It/she/him was UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Like,. car door to the face ugly.

            I’ll wait to see what the new Star Wars game is tomorrow at the Ubisoft broadcast where they so ACTUAL game footage and not stupid CGI trailers that are frankly pointless imo.

            The Starfield stuff was admittedly cool, but I am skeptical to see if they actually pull off what they are promoting. The other issue is, I don’t have a Xbox Series X. Xbox lost me in the Xbox One era, they haven’t improved with Series X. I really don’t feel like buying a $500 console just to play one game. I honestly think that will become an issue. Many people have PS5’s (like me) and don’t feel to buy a console just to play one game.

            So, out of nearly two hours all I cared about the Starfield, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (because I have the first game on my PS) , Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty (which I can thankfully get on my PS5), Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, and the new Star Wars Outlaws game.

            Sony has won this gen and last gen for many reasons. Xbox thinks that buying up game studios will save them….it wont!


            In reply to: RANDOM MEMES


              I know, it is.  How about to make up for it I post a cooler one :)

              I give you, Cyberpunk Trump!

              Cyberpunk  Trump


              In reply to: New-ish to PC gaming


                What games are you playing?  Right now my “goto” is PlanetSide2 but I am also planning on new run throughs of Cyberpunk and Witcher 3.  I also dabble in Red Dead 2 online.



                  No, it is just a graphics update.  The game is the same.  I loved the Witcher 3.  But I am a sucker for a good story.  I don’t need fancy gameplay or controls.  So I enjoyed it just fine. This is merely a great excuse to play it again.  It was a gorgeous game then so post update it should be fairly stunning.  These are the same reasons I am playing through CyberPunk again as well.


                    @Vknid : Ya, but will it make the gameplay better? I doubt it. I have given Witcher 3 a try three separate times and I hated the combat controls to the point where I stopped playing. The movement is sloppy as hell imo. So, I don’t have a high opinion of that game like everyone else seems to.

                    I finished Cyberpunk on PS5 with all the updates and patches months back, and I can say I enjoyed the hell out of it. Really glad waiting a year fixed the game.

                    I got God of War Ragnorok, but I still need to finish the first game before I start playing it.

                    I have been playing Gotham Knights. It has it’s fair share of issues, but still have moments of enjoyment. I think they did an excellent job with the characters and their story as well as interactions. But, it is a game that seems like it’s direction went 4 different ways in development. I think the game needed 6 months more development time for many reasons. The city is nowhere as well done as Batman Arkham Knight, a game that came out 7 years ago. It’s a bit astounding how a game that is 7 years old has better atmosphere and water mechanics than this new game.

                    I ordered a special edition of Stray, since it was a physical copy, so waiting for that to ship so I can finally play it.

                    Don’t know if I’ll get Callisto Protocol or not. Or the Dead Space remake. On the fence there.

                    I pre-orderd Samurai Maiden for PS5.

                    Dead Island 2 got delayed three months, I had that pre-ordered too.


                      Looking forward to the next iterations of Cyberpunk.  I know that game had a rocky start but I very much enjoyed it once it worked well.  I love a fun and good story.  So now they have announced a sequel I am pretty excited.



                        Cyberpunk Edgerunners was EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!

                        Death Note (watching for the first time)

                        Akiba Maid Sensou (Akiba Maid War)  first episode is f**king awesome craziness and sugoi kawaii desu! :

                        The Eminence in Shadow (Kage No Jitsuryokusha Ni Naritakute!) first episode was really good


                        Call of the Night, then I’ll watch the anime.

                        My Dress Up Darling, then I’ll watch the anime

                        New Game, then I’ll watch the anime


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