Tag: books

REVIEW: Stratton (2018)

Stratton didn’t have to be bad. There are some moments where you can see the skeleton of what could have been a competently made espionage action film. It also has a fantastic cast, led by the incredibly talented and underrated Dominic Cooper. The problem with this film is completely and utte...

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REVIEW: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

A year after Pocahontas, Disney released a film with a higher budget that would earn a lower box office return, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Like so many Disney animated features, Hunchback was based on a novel. But this novel was a little different from The Fox and the Hound and Tarzan of the Apes....

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What, Exactly, is a “True Fan”?

*Written by guest writer and Geeks + Gamers community leader Wes Blank* “True fan” is a term we all to often hear these days, be it in reference to enthusiasts of sports, wrestling, comics, movies, or video games. It’s always seems to be the same arguments. If you didn’t like...

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Bourne Again

We’re in a film era where franchises reign, and one of the results of that is a large number of sequels flooding theaters. Like with everything else, the quality of sequels varies wildly, and it’s often hard to predict which ones will connect with audiences. I’ve surely been befuddled by which...

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