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  • #276605


    I did like the ‘Game of Thrones’ books and have watched up to series 4 on the TV version. Haven’t gotten past 4 since I’ve been watching other stuff lol but I’ll watch it until series 6. Then I’m going to stop there because from what I’ve heard about series 7 and 8. Dune I’m currently really enjoying book-wise and I liked some aspects of the 1984 film (I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t recognise Sting in it) and I really enjoyed the remake despite them race and gender-swapping the doctor but they didn’t make it about her on the film so I allowed that. I get that they have to change things to appeal to a cinema audience but “there’s changes and then there’s pandering” to quote Geeky on one of Clownfish TV’s vids where they were talking about Disney removing Walt’s speech.

    As for Jane Austen, I highly recommend her works. They are very well written.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by DragonLady.

      There are many people who do not understand why so many people are posting so much “Negativity” to these “teasers” So if you truly wish to know. Then continue reading. I will be citing Prof Tolkien’s own words from his letters.  If I have made any errors in this please feel free to reply where the error is and cite the source to verify it is incorrect.


      Let us start with this; Directly from Amazon.

      Weber praised The Rings of Power’s multicultural cast by referring to Sophia Nomvete’s portrayal of the dwarf Disa. “It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like,” she said. Nomvete is the first woman of color to play a dwarf in The Lord of the Rings.” – Lindsey Weber, E.P. Amazon’s LOTR Series, Vanity Fair (Feb. 2022).


      In letter 210 to Forrest Ackerman, about the LOTR unmade film “The canons of narrative in any medium cannot be wholly different; and the failure of poor films is often precisely in exaggeration, and in the intrusion of unwarranted matter owing to not perceiving where the core of the original lies.”


      But then we have these “teasers” and in them we see:

      Black dwarfs

      Female dwarfs without beards

      Black queen Tar-Miriel

      Black Elves

      And we know they are adding Female Orcs.

      Prof Tolkien was very was clear, he did not want people to remodel his world and where it’s drew upon for its source material. In letter 131 he is clear that his stories were of England specifically ancient England. With some sources certainly from Scandinavian and Germanic. Amazon has Inserted Racial diversity in to the casting. Which is a complete violation of his Cannon.


      Letter 131: It should possess the tone and quality that I desired, somewhat cool and clear, be redolent of our ‘air’ (the clime and soil of the North West, meaning Britain and the hither parts of Europe: not Italy or the Aegean, still less the East)

      As you can see there should be NO black dwarfs (let alone a female dwarf without a beard) “as they were indistinguishable from male dwarfs”. From “The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, “Durin’s Folk” also fully flushed out in Peter Jacksons LOTR. Furthermore, in Letter 188 he stated: “I wish to avoid a repetition of my experience with the Swedish translation of The Hobbit. I discovered that this had taken unwarranted liberties with the text and other details, without consultation or approval”


      Queen Tar-Miriel as described by Prof Tolkien; ” Tar-Miriel the Queen, fairer than silver or ivory or pearls.” – The Silmarillion.


      Ok now lest go on to Lady Galadriel. Warrior Galadriel, nope no way, In Professor Tolkien’s works the only time we ever know she fought was in the First Kinslaying. Yet in the trailer we see her all decked out in Armor and a Sword even a Scottish Highlander would have a hard time yielding let alone a woman. The trailers look like a rip off of Game of Thrones party north of the wall.

      This is speculative on my part, but seems from the trailers we are going to get Battles, and probably for the pure spectacle of battle with Galadriel and Probably Tar-Miriel leading the charge. This is what Tolkien said about that: Again, from the 1958 Letter #210 “He has cut the parts of the story upon which its characteristic and peculiar tone principally depends, showing a preference for fights; and he has made no serious attempt to represent the heart of the tale adequately”


      The Lady Galadriel did not fight in any First age Battles: “She had no role in the major wars of the First Age, believing that defeating Morgoth was beyond the power of the Eldar; when Morgoth was defeated by the coming of the Valar out of the West she, having played no part in the earlier Kinslaying, was offered safe return to Valinor. However, she chose not to leave Middle-earth, and was the only leader of the Ñoldor exiles to remain after the First Age.” = The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XXIV: “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath”


      And then we have her and Elrond’s conversation. There is NO WAY he would ever talk to her that way. First, she is his Mother-in-law and Second, she is as powerful (speculatively more powerful) than Sauron who did fear her as his rival, she has been alive far longer than He (Elrond) being of the “Legendarium” YT 1362 where Elrond was born First age FA 532. That conversation I have heard from kids (yes you did, no you didn’t, yes you did, no you didn’t.) come on that was bad writing and directing to ever let that in a show, but then to rip of Disney’s “Kill the past.”


      She would actually not even need a sword, as she had <Nenya> Forged 1500 of the Second age “Conscious of Sauron’s power, and wishing to thwart it, she did not use the powers of her ring as long as the One Ring was in Sauron’s hands. However, during the Third Age, when the One Ring was lost, she put it to good use protecting the borders of her realm, for the powers of her ring were protection, preservation, and concealment from evil. = Unfinished Tales, Part Two, Chapter IV: “The History of Galadriel and Celeborn”


      Despite any wishes or wants, there is nothing in the works of Tolkien showing her fighting in battles in the Second Age either. She certainly would not need a Sword having in her possession Nenya. And there is Nothing in the timeline of the Second Age prior to Nenya being forged that would give Cannon to her fighting.

      Yet I am also compelled to point out he did not Like a “DARK Outlooks” and Battles and Wars or even dark stories he was against. In letter 64 “I sometimes feel appalled at the thought of the sum total of human misery all over the world at the present moment: the millions parted, fretting, wasting in unprofitable days — quite apart from torture, pain, death, bereavement injustice. If anguish were visible, almost the whole of this benighted planet would be enveloped in a dense dark vapour, shrouded from the amazed vision of the heavens!”


      The show runners, themselves and directors. Another of his complaints is from in Letter 190, where expresses his feeling on how he would feel, even in the hands of a “competent person” yet in the case of Amazon’s Show Runners resumes are sparse at best. Did Amazon assigned two people to run the show who have no credentials to “remodel” his works to their “fancy.” Letter 190: In principle I object as strongly as is possible to the ‘translation’ of the nomenclature at all (even by a competent person). I wonder why a translator should think himself called on or entitled to do any such thing. That this is an ‘imaginary’ world does not give him any right to remodel it according to his fancy.


      Again, I point out the first point By Amazon: “It felt only natural to us that an adaptation of Tolkien’s work would reflect what the world actually looks like.” Amazon and clearly the Show runners are going against what Tolkien himself would have never approved of.


      I would be remise if I did not also point out, that they had working for them Tom Shippey, one of the most Knowledgeable Tolkien scholars, until they fired him. Their reasoning by reports was he broke his NDA in an interview. However, more and more sources are stating, this it was because Shippey was protesting what was being done “polluting the lore.” <Source>= Bounding in to Comics.


      Poor Production issues just in these teasers are glaring. Boob Armor and even T-SHIRT Armor” ON Tar-Miriel <yes, my friends you can clearly see T-shirt printed armor.> With a budget of over 500 million with projections having it as high as a Billion and that is what Amazon is giving us?


      We also have Galadriel in what makes her look like she jumped in to a Giant bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos. “Harfoots”, or as I like to call them Penguin People because clearly, they cannot walk in those prosthetic feet. How was it we had the Hobbits with their feet having no problems even Charging in to Battle running. Yet these show runners and editors allow Penguins to be seen on film.


      So when Amazon and its schills in the media try to use their typical “Ist and Isms and phobias” to try tell people everyone pointing out the glowing flaws are wrong, or why they are so mad about this, do not be fooled by their excuses and lies. You can simply type in the search menu above (Prime Video, and pick a country) you will see the truth, in the downvotes.

      Yes you can actually see a representation of them, because as with comments it appears Dislikes keep disappearing as well. But to see them just get the <Google Chrome Extension called> “Return YouTube Dislike” As of the time of this post the current numbers for Prime Video USA is 250,481 Dislikes and 65,266 likes.


      Amazon angered the wrong fan base….. One that loves the works of Prof Tolkien. The truly sad part is, they have all the works of Prof Tolkien, and all they needed to do was STICK TO THEM.  Instead, they hired people lacking the skill and knowledge to pull this off, and then decided to go with against all the wishes of Tolkien, and clearly an Enormous Number of his fans. You only need to get the Google Chrome Extension to see the Dislikes again to see that is true.


      Fans as it appears by Many other Dislike to Like ration on this video are not happy with Amazons handling of Prof Tolkien’s works. But also, if you search videos on social media platforms and even now showing in print the distain for what Amazon is doing.


      It is not because any excuses Amazon or the Schill media will try and say, as it Transends race, creed, color, wealth, religion, sex or politics. It is because the fans are sick and tired of Production companies inserting Their political and social agenda in to the works and cannon of beloved stories and properties. They may buy them and then say it is their property, but it is not. It is OUR Property, all they have is the rights to tell the story as written within cannon source.


      The saddest part of this, maybe more so than others, they have all the finished works to draw from, they have many people they could have brought in (had probably the best but fired him) to make sure they told the story as Prof Tolkien would have wanted. They even had his letters on what he would not have wanted.


      Yet they just had to bring in the {Check the Boxes crew} They had to have Diversity and Inclusion and I am certain we will have other Political messages of todays world, they as much as said so.


      When I first heard about Amazon acquiring the rights to make this, my initial thoughts were of the great stories that could be told. I had high hopes that this could surpass Peter Jacksons Lord of the Rings, that this would have a budget that would make Tolkien’s world come to life and I again like when I was a child seeing the Animated Hobbit 45+ years ago I had daydreams of Middle Earth and was happy that I would have something to share with Family and Friends we loved.


      But then the stories of what Amazon was doing started to circulate, then the articles with their own words and finally these teasers. This is NOT and CANNOT be the world of Prof J.R.R. Tolkien, not when Amazon admits they are making it for “Today’s world” and the violation of Tolkien’s words and wishes are so clear. Had Amazon wanted to make a Fantasy adventure, they have the money for it. There is no need or reason to destroy the works of the Great Professor.

      I leave you with letter 210: “I do earnestly hope that in the assignment of actual speeches to the characters they will be represented as I have presented them: in style and sentiment. I should resent perversion of the characters (and do resent it, so far as it appears in this sketch) even more than the spoiling of the plot and scenery”






      That’s why I got so confused with the last trailer. If this is supposed to be their ‘Game of Thrones’- complete with sex, nudity and bloody violence- then why was there a KID watching it??? Even though he’s probably seen worse on his XBox


      I don’t really think it is woke as much as it is that the script writers didn’t want to write two different scenarios depending on the gender of Byleth to avoid extra voice acting lines.

      In regards to Fire Emblem becoming woke, it has never been really political in terms of real world events, I mean certainly there are political elements to the games but in a similar sense that Game of Thrones is political. If you were to ask me about online content creators for Fire Emblem, the communities I’m in overwhelmingly lean left in that regard; only person I can think of that leans right is Mangs who I take umbrage with over certain events. But Fire Emblem itself tends not to lean left or right in particular and rather goes into a range of themes that are left up to interpretation of the audience.


      I have not watched Game of Thrones, but I can definitely feel the dark fantasy vibes. I am currently on episode 12.


      Ousama Ranking is really very good. I wasn’t expecting to watch this and feeling like I’m watching Game of Thrones lol


        This is what all Movies or TV Series should aspire to be like, This was great story with characters who were flawed and human they made mistakes some died some lived.

        It did not have any Agenda Politics, No ticking the boxes for race, color, sex and certainly no Mary-sue. Take note Hollywood, without those things we got a great story that took us away from reality and invested us in all of them, because of who they were, not what we had shoved down our throat by you.

        I do not want to spoil it, any of it, but I laughed and cried even in this final season, I was surprised by things that happened. It had redemption, it had finality and it wrapped up the story lines even if some of them tore our heart out while others made us smile with pleasure and joy.

        I will say this, The final scene you had better have some tissue near by because your house I am sure is full of onions when it happens. This is the ending Game of Thrones could and should have done. It was the true definition of “Bitter Sweet”

        The season overall was a 9.9 only missing a perfect 10 because of S5-E1 it was a 9.0…. I watched it now twice letting it sink in fully. Giving anything a 10 is hard almost impossible, but episodes 2 through 10 were PERFECT 10’s for me.


        I think I’m at the right place, it’s just that what was once normal, now feels a bit underground-ish. You have too look for it in order to find it.

        You type in “top sci fi tv shows” into google and all you find is this new woke sh*t. It’s like older tv shows never existed.

        A few years back I’ve started making a list of TV show’s that I’ve watched and liked. I’ve forgotten some, but here’s my list:


        Breaking Bad

        Criminal Minds





        The Mentalist

        Game of Thrones



        House MD

        Kevin Probably Saves the World


        Pure Genius

        Rick and Morty

        South Park

        The Last Man on Earth


        Black Summer





        Some of the Star Trek shows

        First 2 Stargate shows

        Stranger Things

        Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicle

        Terra Nova

        The 100

        The X-Files

        The Orville










        Kyle XY

        Sense 8



        All of us are dead

        Sweet Home

        Midnight Mass

        The River

        Squid Game

        The Big Bang Theory

        How I met your Mother


        That 70s Show

        The fresh Prince of Bel-air

        Also there are some anime’s worth watching if you run out of stuff to watch like:

        Death Note


        Samurai Champloo

        Made in Abyss


        Parasyte the Maxim

        Tokyo Ghoul

        Steins Gate

        Attack on Titan





        Funnily enough, when ‘Game of Thrones’ first aired it got a lot of comparisons to ‘Lord of the Rings’ even though it didn’t rely very heavily on magic compared to LotR. I like both franchises but even I’m staying clear of this. When Aragon said that dwarf women had beards he didn’t mean it as a casual joke!


        These are the correct JRR Tolkien quotes concerning evil’s lack of ability to create anything, for the record. The #Tolkien “quote” that is quite aptly being used everywhere in response to the abhorrent Amazon abortion is actually a paraphrase from TV Tropes.

        “The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures.”

        “For the Orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance of life, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise.”

        But quote or paraphrase, the criticism of Amazon’s twisted perversion of The Lord of the Rings is legitimate and the sentiment it expresses is 100 percent correct.

        The Rings Of Power Character Images – First Full Pictures & Story Analysis!

        Vanity Fair shares Amazon Prime’s Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power Character images from the Second Age of Middle Earth.

        They share the story concept and the arrogance Amazon empowered two untested showrunners to replicate J.R. R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, talent and experience. In theirs words: “Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote and do it as the mega-event series that could only happen now?”

        This is called Hubris!

        Big shock, it’s not about Lord of the Rings.

        It couldn’t be more obvious what happened. The production company had its own 2022 fantasy story they wanted to tell. Basically, nothing but a rip-off of Game of Thrones.

        But it is 2022. They have to make it Woke AF because everyone in Hollywood is terrified of being seen as not Woke. At the moment it’s an instant career ender especially if you are white.

        And they knew that their story would never sell in 10,000 years.

        Not under it’s own name anyway.

        So they followed the standard procedure and bought up a name they could slap on it even though that franchise didn’t resemble the story they wanted to tell in the least. They knew perfectly well there is always a ton of middle-aged Gamma Males that will sell out the thing they loved at the drop of a hat for just a little ego inflation. Throw in some Twitter Stans that are happy to work for free and few d-list journos at (lol)Kotaku and they are in business.

        It won’t do well but they already know that. Their objective at this point is to blame their inevitable failure on white supremacists which they have already done.

        The important thing to remember about this POS is that it was never meant to be Tolkein. They are just stealing his name for their Game of Thrones fan fiction.


        In reply to: [REVIEW] Wheel of Time

        Just for laughs. Thought Roas might get a chuckle.

        full article at link. ONly posting intro and end.

        Not all adaptations are created equal. For every Game of Thrones, which translated its source material fairly faithfully (until it ran out), there are legions of adaptations like The Golden Compass or The Legend of Earthsea, where the soul of the original work has been sucked out, not to mention groan-worthy cash grabs like The Hobbit trilogy.

        Since the success of HBO’s fantasy phenomenon, we’ve seen a swell of companies adapting fantasy and science fiction stories that they might never have had the daring to before. At the end of 2021, two big ones dominated the conversation: Amazon’s The Wheel of Time, based on the 15-book series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson; and the second season of Netflix’s The Witcher, based on the bestselling short stories and novels by Andrzej Sapkowski. While both adaptations include large changes from their respective source books, one managed it far more successfully. We’re here today to discuss why.

        A note before we begin: Opinions and tastes are subjective, especially with reviews like this. Both of these shows have done things that some fans have liked and others have loathed. I’m not here to try and convince you that you should or shouldn’t like a show; enjoy what you enjoy. What I am going to do is dissect how these shows are in conversation with their source material.

        With that out of the way, let’s talk about why The Wheel of Time succeeds as an adaptation while The Witcher fails. Of course, you should be warned that there will be SPOILERS for both shows as well as their respective book series below.

        Blight and cutting out two of the Forsaken. But again, they were mostly understandable since the show is playing up the ensemble nature of the story. The first book, The Eye of the World, focuses extremely heavily on Rand’s point of view, while the rest of the series is told from many perspectives. The show made the conscious decision to be an ensemble piece from the get-go, to give viewers a more honest idea of what to expect from the show overall.

        In conclusion, it feels an awful lot like the changes and choices made by The Wheel of Time team were done with a lot of care and reverence for the source material. There was never a feeling that they were changing things for the hell of it, but because they were doing the best they could with the medium in which they were working.

        Sometimes, the changes even ended up working out better for the story, as with the mystery over who the Dragon Reborn was. This was something the show played way up, and it worked really well. In the books it’s far more obvious that it’s Rand, since we spent more time with him. Here, first-time viewers could plausibly be in suspense.

        There’s still a sense that The Wheel of Time is finding its footing…but to my mind it has never been a question that the show is trying really hard to do its best by Robert Jordan’s story.


        In reply to: Telltale

        Tales from the Borderlands is the best one I played.

        Then Walking Dead, Batman and Game of Thrones.



        Author Brandon Sanderson says he’s been waiting for The Wheel of Time book series to be adapted for a “long time.”
        Now, Sanderson’s hope has finally been realized with Friday’s premiere of the Amazon Prime Video eponymous TV series, created by Rafe Judkins and starring Rosamund Pike. The first three episodes are available now.
        Fans of the epic fantasy have also been (im)patiently waiting since the first book, The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, was published in 1990. The series begins with Moiraine Damodred (played by Pike in the show) and Lan Mandragoran (Daniel Henney) taking a group of five young people on a quest after their village is attacked, in a world threatened by the Dark One. Moiraine believes one of them is the Dragon Reborn, the person destined to save the world — but also break it.

        After Jordan’s death at age 58 in 2007, Sanderson was asked to finish the 14-volume series, which he did in 2013. (Sanderson says being asked to complete the series was both exciting and “terrifying.” “At the time, this was the biggest fantasy series of our time,” he says. “I knew there were millions of fans out there and I was asked to become essentially their stepdad.”)
        The first book alone is more than 700 pages long. By the end of the series, there are a few dozen main characters. But the shear size of the saga hasn’t scared off fans, and Sanderson describes it as “halfway between Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones” because it’s “half political intrigue, half quest fantasy.” So far, more than 90 million books in the series have sold.

        “The big catch-22 of fantasy is people go to the fantasy section for the world building. But they don’t stay for the world building. World building can only do so much,” continues Sanderson, who began reading the series when he was 15 and reread each book before the newest edition in the series was released. “Thirty something years ago, when I picked up The Eye of the World myself … it had the sense of adventure conveyed on the cover. But the reason I read 11 of those books and eventually agreed to finish the series was because I fell in love with the characters.”
        Sanderson is a producer on the show and says he’s spent most of his time reading the script and discussing it with Judkins. He thinks the script is “fantastic” and really likes the cast and crew — including Pike. “She’s great,” he says. “She is both terrifying and inspiring at the same time. Which is exactly what Moiraine should be.”
        The Wheel of Time adaptation has gotten a fair amount of attention due to its massive budget. For the first season, Amazon reportedly spent $10 million per episode, while the first episodes of Game of Thrones cost an eyebrow-raising $6 million at the time, according to GQ. Sanderson believes it’s worth it.

        We knew if Wheel of Time was going to be done right, it would need this kind of budget,” he says. “This is not a series you can just go film in the woods. The setting of the Wheel of Time, it is a world that basically suffered the apocalypse 1,000 years ago and barely survived. Society collapsed and [was] rebuilt over 1,000 years.”
        Sanderson explains that time isn’t linear in the book series, and is instead fashioned like a “wheel.” “People are given second and third and fourth chances,” he says. “You can be reborn and you can try again.”
        Case in point: the Dragon. One thousand years ago, the Dragon, then known as Lews Therin Telamon, saved the world, but at great cost.
        “The book opens 1,000 years later. This soul is going to get another chance, this person that is the Dragon, to do it again, but maybe do it right this time,” Sanderson says. “And you don’t know who it is. You don’t know how it’s going to play out. But you know that they kind of failed once and this is their second chance. One of the big questions of the series is: Who is the Dragon? Who is the Dragon Reborn? And what is their story going to be?”

        When Lews Therin Telamon was alive, both men and women could use magic, known as the One Power. Ten centuries later, women are the only ones who can wield it without going insane.
        “There’s this power dynamic where a lot of the rulers and a lot of the people in power — because of the magic — are women,” says Sanderson. “This creates a very interesting, different world from our own. It is treated very delicately, at least in the books, for the time. It was an extremely progressive series.”
        Moiraine is one of these women who can “channel” the One Power. She’s part of a powerful order called the Aes Sedai, which is searching for the Dragon, the reincarnation of Lews Therin Telamon, in order to save the world from the Dark One.

        In the beginning of the book series, readers “aren’t sure why Moiraine is there hunting the Dragon Reborn,” says Sanderson.
        “Moiraine walking that line between noble threat, but still threat, and mentor figure, is just one of the huge selling points of the series,” he says. “She is probably the singular most interesting character in the entire series because it’s not cut and dry. She keeps her motivations close to her heart — and they are complicated. She is the driving force behind everything happening in this series. And that’s the question: Is Moiraine here to help us or hurt us?”
        The young people who follow her from their village of Emond’s Field — Rand al’Thor, Egwene al’Vere, Perrin Aybara, Nynaeve al’Meara and Matrim Cauthon — each will have their own battles to face throughout their long journey.

        One of them hates the outside world and does not want anything to do with it. She is only there to try to get her friends all back safe, home, where they belong,” says Sanderson. “Others are finding this a wild adventure, everything they dreamed. Others are terrified. Others don’t know what to think.”
        “And that dynamic kind of represents the way that all of us feel growing up, right?” he continues. “It’s an adventure, it’s excitement, but home is safe. And yet, we know we can never quite go home again.”
        The first three episodes of The Wheel of Time are available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.







        In reply to: Eternals

        After when Drinker showed that picture of Cersi from ‘Game of Thrones’ I spent the rest of the video laughing very hard and not paying attention to the rest of it as a result lol.

        Also…I’m confused when they’re saying that ‘It has the first sex scene in an MCU film!’ because I’m pretty sure there was one in the first Iron Man film even though it’s brief. If this is Disney trying to pretend that Phase One doesn’t exist then I’m NOT happy with them!

        A bit off topic here but what this lady says also applies to all forms of media and not just games:

        I agree with her on this. I don’t mind diversity and representation when it’s NOT forced down my throat. I’d LOVE to see more female superheroes on the screen but not to the point where they’re gender-swapping well known male characters! I’ll also have you know that one of my favourite X-Men characters is Storm; a black female superhero!


        In reply to:

        It’s a sign of maturity and normal. It’s like going from comics to novels to textbooks. Geeks go from geekin out about comics to geeking out over politics because LOTR and Game of Thrones is just allegory for the powerful houses and families that rule our regions. We go from geeking out over Star Wars to geeking out over anti-gravity or technology or economics. Your post, once again, lands on us all.

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