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Cyberpunk 2077
4 years ago 5 Comments

The most anticipated game in recent memory has finally launched, and, sadly, it was a rough launch indeed. I’m not going to sugarcoat it; Cyberpunk 2077 launched before it was ready, and not just the horrendous console ports – even the PC version has a fair amount of problems, which likely could have been fixed …

Miles Morales, Spider-Man
4 years ago no Comment

A superhero mantle being passed down to a new character is a dicey concept – it can either be a completely benign change, moving from one loved character to another or an uninspired shift that appears to have awkward political motivations that can help spark creator rebellions like Comics Gate. Miles Morales lands somewhere in …

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Cold War
4 years ago no Comment

The Starbucks latte of first-person shooters is back again, and similar to last year’s soft reboot/prequel of Modern Warfare, in 2020, we have a soft reboot/sequel to Black Ops. Call of Duty campaigns never fail to deliver the big-budget thrill moments, but their quality varies pretty widely when it comes to gameplay, design, and story. …

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