Search Results for: fantastic beasts

REVIEW: Mirai (2018)

Family is a powerful word. When we think of family, we often think of some of the most important people in our lives. Mirai is a movie that understands the importance of family and decides to tell that story through the lens of a young boy named Kun. Mamoru Hosoda has been one of my favorite filmm...

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Drago Spinoff May Be in the Offing With Steven Caple Jr.

Steven Caple Jr. might be getting back into the ring, but this time he’ll be heading to Russia. Per Cinemablend, the Creed II director is looking at helming another spin-off of the Rocky franchise, this time focusing on the Dragos. The idea was apparently brought up to Caple by Ivan Drago himself,...

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Is Disney Bad?

Lately, something has been annoying me a lot. When you hear kids talk about Disney, it’s probably about characters or productions that they like. With adults, it can be that, or it can be talking about how evil and greedy corporate Disney is, or what bad messages/role models they put in their ...

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Why I’m Excited: Mortal Engines

Like most fans, I’ve followed, Peter Jackson since he made the Lord of the Rings film trilogy. It was an audacious plan, to say the least:  three films shot together with a scope that, while now commonplace, was unparalleled 18 years ago. The rest, as they say, was history, with Return of th...

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Artemis Fowl Trailer Sneaks Online

While everyone is waiting on bated breath for the Avengers 4 trailer, Disney is pushing a different kind of literary adaptation as the Artemis Fowl trailer released earlier today. Based on the popular series of children’s novels written by Eoin Colfer – in particular the first two books – Arte...

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You Should Be Watching: About a Boy (2002)

Welcome back to You Should Be Watching, the home of lost or underappreciated TV and movies. In keeping with our theme of Christmas movies, this week we’ll be taking a look at 2002’s About a Boy. This is technically bending the rules a little; this film has Christmas in it, and, in fact, Christma...

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