Search Results for: ms marvel

What, Exactly, is a “True Fan”?

*Written by guest writer and Geeks + Gamers community leader Wes Blank* “True fan” is a term we all to often hear these days, be it in reference to enthusiasts of sports, wrestling, comics, movies, or video games. It’s always seems to be the same arguments. If you didn’t like...

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Gremlins is a Darker Version of It’s a Wonderful Life

While making my way through my Christmas Movie Playlist, I decided to watch Gremlins again. I hadn’t seen it in years and kept forgetting to break it out at Christmastime (my brother actually owns the Blu Ray, so it was an out of sight, out of mind deal), but I was determined to rectify that &hell...

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Strange Talk

There’s a new podcast in town, folks. It’s called Fresh Geek Context, and it’s a great place to hear in-depth discussions of movies, television, video games, technology and lots of other cool topics. Hosts Jace (a friend of mine) and Josh were gracious enough to invite me to be their guest for...

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For His Eyes Only: The Ladies of Roger Moore’s Bond

“Sheer magnetism, darling.” Roger Moore was James Bond for a whole generation of young and old fans. The Bond Girls he starred alongside presented a change in focus, from eye candy to scientists, spies and circus owners. That’s not to say they aren’t also beautiful, though. Let’s t...

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REVIEW: Jessica Jones Season 1

Jessica Jones, the second of Marvel’s Netflix series to explore the darker street-level corridors of the MCU, is a surprisingly adult-themed endeavor, using the gritty world established in Daredevil as a springboard to tell a story of victimization and how different people survive it in different ...

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REVIEW: Ant-Man (2015)

With Ant-Man, Marvel can place one more check in the win column. They’ve made another fun superhero adventure with a beating heart and a pair of heroes that it’s easy to root for. The film stumbles here and there, and it isn’t one of the better Marvel movies, but it’s still a total blast of ...

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